Company Name: Archies Footwear Pty Ltd
ACN: 164 576 854
Registered Office Address: Archies Footwear, 486 High Street, Echuca, VIC, Australia 3564.
IMPORTANT! Please do NOT send returns to this address (they will NOT be received). For returns & other enquiries, please contact us through our contact us form on our website.
Archies ® & are registered trademarks in a number of countries.
The Archies Thongs design is a Patented/Registered Design in a number of countries.
Any products not listed herein may still be protected by one or more other pending or issued designs or patents in Australia or internationally, and with respect to any unlisted design or patent, Archies Footwear Pty Ltd reserves all rights and remedies.
Our Intellectual Property is monitored by a Global IP Watch Service and our rights are rigorously enforced!
All intellectual property is owned by Arch Support Footwear IP Pty Ltd, 486 High Street, Echuca, VIC, 3564, Australia and is used under licence by members of the Archies group of companies.